Baker condemns POTUS comments on election results

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BOSTON — In off-the-cuff remarks made during a question and answer period after a news conference Thursday, Gov. Charlie Baker expressed his frustration with President Donald Trump’s comments about a peaceful transfer of power in the upcoming presidential election.

“It is appalling and outrageous that anyone would suggest for a minute that if they lost an election they’re not going to leave," Baker said. "Period!”

Baker’s tone turned serious at the end of the news conference about this year’s return to school when asked about President Trump’s comments.

Baker pointed to other divisive times in the nation - including the 1860 election in which Abraham Lincoln won just under 40% of the popular vote in a four-way race but sufficient Electoral College votes to be president even as the nation headed toward civil war.

Trump said during a Wednesday news conference, “We’re going to have to see what happens,” responding to a question about committing to the results. “You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster.”

Baker also defended mail-in voting. Trump has baselessly claimed widespread mail voting will lead to massive fraud. Baker said he mailed in his ballot during the primary, and it worked just fine.

Baker said he didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 and won’t vote for him this year.

“One way or another, people are going to speak in November up and down the ticket for all those races that are out there and those of us who serve in public life will do everything we can to make sure the people’s will is followed through and executed on, because that is fundamentally why there is a United States of America in the first place,” he said.

Also on Thursday, President Trump tweeted out in response to Baker’s comments, saying:

“RINO Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts is unsuccessfully trying to defend Mail In Ballots, when there is fraud being found all over the place. Just look at some of the recent races, or the Trump Ballots in Pennsylvania that were thrown into the garbage. Wrong Charlie!”

In response to the president’s tweet, a spokesperson for Baker issued the following statement:

“The Baker-Polito Administration has complete confidence in Massachusetts' mail in voting system that worked as designed in the recent primary elections, and the Governor stands by his statements."

You can watch the full comments below.

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The Associated Press contributed to this report.