Mass held for slain journalist James Foley

ROCHESTER, N.H. ( -- It was his amazing grace that brought hundreds to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary on Sunday.

"He was just a beautiful man. He was such a witness and it was an honor to know him," said Sister Mary Rose Reddy. "Jim went back again, that we might open our eyes, that we might indeed know how precious is this gift."

The Mass was a celebration of the life and sacrifice of photojournalist James Foley.

"James really showed the positive that can come out of such a great life. Someone's so passionate about what he believes in; just really great guy," said family friend David Lagarce.

A special Massdedicatedd to Foley and his parents, led by the bishop of Manchester, N.H., with condolences from Pope Francis.

"Hopefully it's going to bring them a lot of comfort knowing that a lot of people have shown up to support them," said Doris Randall.

Foley's legacy lives on through those touched by his work in life, and the awareness that his gruesome death at the hands of ISIS militants has created.

"This is really a turning point now," said Philip Balboni, president and chief executive of Global Post, the news outlet Foley wrote for. "I think the world in seeing the horrific way that Jim was butchered, realizes that the Islamic state poses a threat. Not just to Iraq and Syria, but to the entire world, the United States. "

As friends, family, dignitaries and Rochester residents prayed for Foley's family, news of another journalist's safe release was reported. Massachusetts native Peter Theo Curtis is on his way home, as Jim Foley is remembered.

While Sunday's mass was an important step in the healing process for the Foley family, a spokesman tells FOX 25's Crystal Haynes that a funeral is scheduled for October 18. It would have been Jim Foley's 41st birthday.