Mass. finds doctors willing to perform surgery on transgendered inmate

( – Massachusetts has identified six out-of-state doctors who are willing to perform sex reassignment surgery on transgendered inmate Michelle Kosilek; however, none of the doctors currently perform operations in Massachusetts.

According to an affidavit filed by Correction Commissioner Luis S. Spencer, there are no doctors in the Commonwealth or New York who regularly perform the surgery. The state must now search the nation for doctors who are qualified and willing to perform the surgery on a convicted killer, reports the Boston Globe.

Five of the six doctors mentioned in the affidavit said they would be willing to operate on Kosilek if given approval.

Kosilek was named Robert when convicted of killing his wife, Cheryl, in 1990.

In Sept. 2012, Judge Wolf ruled that the surgery is the only adequate treatment for Kosilek's gender-identity disorder. The surgery has been put on hold after the state appealed Wolf's decision. However, Wolf ordered the Department of Correction to prepare for the surgery in the event that the legal dispute comes to an end.

For more information: Boston Globe