Mass. court to hear doc's appeal in wife slaying

BOSTON (AP) — The highest court in Massachusetts will be hearing arguments in the case of a Wellesley doctor convicted of killing his wife in 1999.

Dirk Greineder, a well-known allergist at Brigham & Women's Hospital, was convicted of first-degree murder in the death of his wife, Mabel.

In June, the U.S. Supreme Court, citing its recent rulings on DNA testimony, ordered the state's highest court to reconsider the case.

A DNA expert testified for prosecutors even though she didn't do the DNA testing herself. Greineder's lawyers say that violated his constitutional right to confront witnesses against him.

Oral arguments are scheduled Thursday before the Supreme Judicial Court.

Prosecutors said Greineder killed his wife after she discovered his secret life of prostitutes and Internet pornography. Greineder claimed she was killed by a stranger.