Local businesses working hard to stay clean during height of flu season

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The rush is on to keep kids busy during school vacation week in Massachusetts, and local businesses are working hard to make sure everything stays clean during the height of flu season.

Boston 25 News spent time at three local businesses to learn what they're doing to stay clean, with the Museum of Science and the Boston Children's Museum both saying they have aggressive cleaning procedures before they open and after they clean.

"We have hospital level standards to clean our facility and loose parts of the exhibits," Justine DeCotis of the Boston Children's Museum said.

Both museums said they have crews cleaning throughout the day, and the Boston Children's Museum said they don't just focus on sterilizing tables and railings, but also every single thing children comes into contact with.

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"We also have signs to encourage people to visit on another day if someone is not feeling well," DeCotis said. "To stop the spread before they even walk in the door.

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Launch Trampoline in Norwood says it has germ-killing reinforcements, spraying the entire facility down every night with an electrostatic sanitizing gun.

But, one aunt visiting the Boston Children's Museum with her nieces and nephews, said there's one simple lesson she teaches the children as they tries to keep them busy during vacation week.

"Before you eat, anytime after you use the bathroom, you wash your hands with soap and water and then use hand sanitizer," Weymouth native Tricia Ferrante, who's also a nurse, said.