Latest poll shows Sanders maintains lead over Warren ahead of Mass. primary

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BOSTON — In a final poll released by Suffolk University ahead of the Massachusetts primary, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders holds a strong lead over Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren in her home state.

Among likely voters, 24% say they prefer Sanders while 22% plan to vote for Warren. In the final poll, Mike Bloomberg registered 13% of voters.

Sanders, who also holds a lead over former Vice President Joe Biden despite his recent win in South Carolina, was in Utah on Monday rallying supporters after spending time in Mass. hosting rallies in Springfield and Boston over the weekend.

In Boston alone, his campaign drew about 13,000 people.

Related: South Carolina primary results shakeup field heading into Super Tuesday

Boston 25 News Anchor Kerry Kavanaugh spoke one-on-one with Sanders in Boston on Saturday on his thoughts as being the front-runner, unifying the Democratic party and what his message to his supporters would be if he did not secure the Democratic nomination.