Husband of chemist in state lab probe says wife was used as a 'scapegoat'

BOSTON (FOX 25 / The husband of a chemist accused of mishandling drug samples at a state drug lab tells FOX 25 that his wife is being treated as a scapegoat.

Annie Dookhan is now at the center of an investigation that began in June. State Police began looking into testing done at the state lab in Jamaica Plain just before they took over operation of the lab from the Department of Public Health.

Investigators allege that Dookhan ignored protocols that may have affected thousands of drug samples. Dookhan resigned from her position and is remains under investigation.

"My wife maintains her innocence," says Surren Dookhan. "More than one person was involved in a botched drug procedure. We believe it's co-workers who were treating her as the scapegoat and she was asked to resign in April."

Dookhan's husband spoke with FOX 25 about the allegations against his wife on Thursday.

Surren also says that his wife believes interns were hired at the crime lab during the time in question and that she is "freaked out" by the investigation. He claims that Mass. State Police are blaming the alleged mishandling of cases on ego, saying she was trying to be better than everyone when she was not.

Annie Dookhan worked at the lab since 2003 and was involved in several thousand cases prior to her resignation.