Member of Taunton HS community tests positive for COVID-19 after being inside the building

TAUNTON, Mass. — A member of the Taunton High School community has tested positive for COVID-19 after being inside the building, school officials said.

According to John J. Cabral, the Superintendent of Schools, the person tested positive for the virus on Sept. 16. Since learning about the positive case, the district, school administration, and Nurse Manager took immediate steps to implement our contact tracing protocol, including notifying the City of Taunton Board of Health.

Anyone who came into close contact with that person has been contacted and will now be working remotely from home. Students and staff who were in the classrooms associated with the affected school member have also been notified and will be working or learning remotely for the duration of their 14-day quarantine.

• Anyone within 6 feet of the individual for at least 10-15 minutes while they were symptomatic or within the 48 hours before symptom onset.

The Massachusetts DESE COVID-19 Protocols defines a close contact as:

• Anyone within 6 feet for at least 10-15 minutes of someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the 48 hours before their test was taken or anytime in the 10 days after the test.

School officials emphasize the person who tested positive has not been in the building or campus since Sept. 16.

Along with deep cleaning all buildings at the high school, the district also took took the additional precaution of re-cleaning, using their Electro Static Sanitizing sprayers in all the rooms where the person infected went.

“We will remain transparent and continue to evaluate our processes so we can be highly efficient and effective in dealing with any situation of positive cases,” said Cabral. “We appreciate the continued support of our families, staff, and community as we reopen the school year in a safe and healthy way.”

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