First look at how Boston Public Schools may reopen

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BOSTON — Boston Public Schools are set to reopen on September 10th, but whether kids are in the classroom or learning remotely has still not been made 100% clear.

“Many parents want kids back in school but we will continue to watch the virus,” said Dr. Brenda Cassellius, Superintendent of Boston Public Schools.

The uncertainty of the virus is the biggest issue schools across the state are facing. So, BPS will take cues from the city’s Health and Human Services Department.

“Boston has one of lowest test rates and a low hospital rate and the capacity to care for people,” said Martinez.

Chief Marty Martinez says that, right now, Boston is doing well in the fight against the virus.

And if that continues, in-person learning is possible. Tammy Pust, a Senior Advisor to the Boston School Department, says the uncertainty means there must be several approaches.

“We don’t know what this virus is going to do so we need to be able to pivot,” said Pust.

According to Pust, there are three plans are in the works:

  1. All students return to class learning
  2. All students learn remotely
  3. A hybrid of the two

Pust says they focused on the hybrid plan based on parent and staff feedback.

“It’s not scientific but it is an indication of what people think,” said Pust.

If that hybrid version meant students would be chosen, it would be split into two groups, A and B:

  • Group A would be in classrooms on Monday and Tuesday
  • Group B would be in classrooms Thursday and Friday
  • Each group would attend remote learning on the remaining three days

Pust says getting kids back in the classroom is vital.

“We all understand how important to get kids back into a structured environment of learning,” said Pust.

But once again, they emphasize this is still a draft and the virus is the big variable. A final draft is due August 10th. School reopens on Sept. 10.

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