Have a $50 bill? Sudbury man wants you to check it

SUDBURY, Mass. — Nobody wants to part with a $50 bill in their wallet - but for a Sudbury man, handing over a $50 bill to a toll collector was a bit emotional. In fact, he’s asking the public for help to get it back.

It was 1998 and Ryan DuBray was getting ready for his freshman year of college. His grandparents gave him a $50 bill to tuck into his wallet in case of an emergency. They signed the back of the bill so they would know if he spent it and tried to replace it.

Every time DuBray would come home to visit, his grandparents would check and make sure he had the same $50 bill they gave him.

“I’m not going to lie, I was more emotional than I probably should have been, but there was always a comfort to knowing that I had that $50 bill should I ever need it,” DuBray posted on Facebook Monday.

DuBray kept the bill in his wallet all these years, but this past Saturday, he ran into a situation where he needed to spend it. He was on his way home to Massachusetts from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina when he ran into an unexpected $15 toll on the George Washington Bridge.

DuBray is sharing his story in hopes the person who now has that $50 bill sees it. He said he’ll trade for another $50 bill, plus interest!

His Facebook post has since been shared 100,000 times.

If anyone comes across a $50 bill with serial number AF38097081A and “Nanny Papa” signed in blue ink on the back, contact DuBray on Facebook.