Halifax roofer facing charges after homeowners lose thousands in scam

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A roofing contractor in Halifax was accused of ripping off a dozen senior citizens last summer in Middleboro -- and now he's at it again.

Matthew Will, owner of Five Star Discount Roofing, was in Plymouth District Court on Wednesday facing multiple charges of Larceny.

"I'm going to be there next week, that's what he told us," said Carrie Barnes, a homeowner in Hanson.

Barnes said she got scammed out of $8,500 last June when the owner of the roofing company asked for a down payment on the job he promised to start right away.

But next week never came for Barnes and at least a dozen other homeowner south of Boston who say they hired Five Star Roofing only to see the work not being done.

"So we were expecting him the first week of July and he was a no show," said Barnes. "Then we contacted him and he said there was jobs he had and he was running a little behind and he was probably going to start the next week after. "

He didn't show up that week either.

After weeks of broken promises and excuses, Barnes finally went to Hanson Police in late July.

"He delivered nothing," she said. "Not a dumpster, no tools, no supplies..nothing."

Barnes is now pinning her hopes to recover the money she lost in a court battle against Will and his fraudulent company.

And by the way, she said, her roof is still not done. It's even sprung a leak.