FBI: Group at Quabbin Reservoir has no connection to criminal activity

BELCHERTOWN, Mass. (MyFoxBoston.com) – Mass. State Police and FBI officials have determined the seven people who were seen at Quabbin Reservoir at a suspicious hour Tuesday have no connection to any other criminal activity or groups.

The only crime the seven people, five young men and two young women, committed was trespassing, as there was no evidence there was a threat to the water supply.

The group was spotted at about 12:30 a.m. Tuesday by a trooper. The seven individuals hail from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore and claimed to be recent graduates.

Following an investigation, the individuals were allowed to leave, but were summonsed to court for trespassing.

The men told police they are recently graduated chemical engineers curious about the reservoir.

State officials tested the water following the incident and all the samples came back normal.

The group will be summonsed to Eastern Hampshire District Court for a show-cause hearing on those trespassing allegations. Their names will not be released unless and until the court hears the evidence determines that trespassing charges should issue against them.