FBI blocks release of Todashev autopsy results

(MyFoxBoston.com) – The cause of death for a former friend of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects who was killed by the FBI during an investigation is being blocked from the public.
According to The Boston Globe, the FBI is barring the Orlando medical examiner's office from releasing Ibragim Todashev's autopsy results.

Todashev was shot and killed by an FBI agent in Orlando, Fla., in May. Officials claim Todashev was about to give details and possibly confess to a triple murder in Waltham that bombing suspect number one Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have been involved in.
But his family and close friends say he was never interviewed about the matter and that his case was not handled professionally.
There are conflicting reports about whether or not Todashev was armed on the night of his death. His family claims that law enforcement may have used excessive force.

Read more: The Boston Globe