In a fast-changing primary, many candidates no longer in the race will still be on Tuesday’s ballot

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BOSTON — The Democratic ballot on Super Tuesday will include names of candidates who are no longer in the race - and they cannot be removed.

Some of the candidates, such as Amy Klobuchar or Pete Buttigieg, have already received votes in early voting, and those cannot be taken back.

Many who spoke to Boston 25 News about opting for early voting say they knew there was a risk involved in doing so and that it was worth it, but others say it’s not something they’d do again.

Last week, voters had the chance to cast their votes early in the presidential primary, and many chose to do so either to save time, because of their schedules or simply because they had already made up their minds. However, since then, three candidates have already dropped out.

“I did vote early I just wanted to try it out," said Andrew Ghobrial, of Brookline.

“Yeah, it’s kind of sad if you voted for a candidate and they drop out but it’s still the primaries and the general election is coming up and people’s votes are still going to count," said Alan Wexelblat, of Burlington.

If you already cast an early vote for Tom Steyer, Amy Klobuchar or Pete Buttigieg, there’s no taking it back.

“We were very clear about this because the legislature was very clear about this when they passed - it’s one and done,” said Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin.

For early voters, there might be no way to undo their decision, but for those who sent in an absentee ballot there might still be a chance for them to change their minds.

If you sent in an absentee ballot but changed your mind, you just have to make sure to get to a polling place as early as possible before absentee ballots are processed.

“Absentees if they have not been processed and that is to say they have not been counted at the polling place can be retrieved so if someone has mailed it in to the local clerks office and can get to the polls tomorrow, they can go to the polls but they should go very early before the absentees are processed,” said Galvin.

On Super Tuesday, all 15 of the Democratic candidates who were in the race in January will be on the ballot, despite only five of them still currently being in the race. Four Republican candidates are also on the ballot.

The fast-paced primaries this year have certainly changed the playing field and have many voters split on whether they’ll continue to early vote.

“I think people will think twice about voting early going forward, I certainly will," said Ghobrial.

“I think anything that makes the voting process easier and more accessible is better, the more votes you can get in," said Sarah Mills, of Boston.

Officials are expecting a big turnout on Tuesday, March 3, where about a million and a half Democrats and 350,000 Republicans are estimated to make their way to the polls.

Amid coronavirus concerns, voters are encouraged to bring their own pens if they’re hesitant about sharing them, the only rule is that the ink cannot be red.