Family reunited with savings bonds found in Boston man's dresser

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BOSTON — A local entertainer found $50,000 worth of bonds and reached out to Boston 25 News to help find the owners.

Joshua October and Mary Modig just met for the first time. October found $50,000 worth of bonds in an old dresser in his East Boston home. Those bonds belong to Modig and her family, but the bond owners never even lived at the house where they were found.

"I held on to them and felt that they belong to somebody and I need to get them back to him," October said.

>> Man searching for owner after finding $50K worth of savings bonds in envelope

The bonds were purchased in the mid to late 90s and belong to Albert Shaharian, who lives in North Providence.

"My uncle always bought bonds when we had life events," said Modig.

Initially, October didn't have any luck finding the owners. That's when we stepped in. Our assignment desk tried to find a valid phone number, which then brought us to North Providence, Rhode Island. After nearly two weeks of searching, we met Modig. She tried to do her own research and friends tried to help her.

"She came over Saturday morning and said, 'Do you know a Joshua October?' I'm like, nope. My first thought was like, 'Oh my God it looks like Post Malone,'" said Modig.

In the end, October made sure the bonds went back to the rightful owner.

"My first thought was you've made your mother so proud. What a nice, nice guy," she said.

The bonds haven't matured yet. We asked Modig what she will do with the money once the bonds mature. She said they will go toward the grandkid's college education.

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