Does releasing Super Bowl ads early spoil the anticipation?

BOSTON (FOX 25 / Many Super Bowl ads were released ahead of Sunday's game, leaving some people wondering whether it gives companies more bang for their bug or if it is taking away all the fun.

Advertisers shelled out between $3.8 million and $4 million for a 30-second Super Bowl ad, but many of them aren't waiting to show off their work. About half of the 30 Super Bowl advertisers are expected to release some sort of sneak peek of their ads. Several companies including Volkswagen, Taco Bell, and Mercedes-Benz all released their full-length ads that will air Sunday.

Paul Nelson of the Boston advertising firm "Arnold Worldwide" said the advantage for advertisers is that there is more discussion going on.

"People talking about the ads - that's what makes a brand part of culture and gets people talking and that's the job of advertising," says Nelson.

This year's early releases are quite a contrast to the way the ads used to be. Advertisers kept the Super Bowl ads as closely guarded secrets right up until they aired in the past.