Deployed brother gives wedding speech from Harrier cockpit over Afghanistan

( – Some wedding speeches can be funny, some can be awkward, some never end and some should have never started. And then some are just plain awesome. Today's viral video falls into the awesome category.

YouTube user Brandon Krivohlavy says his brother wasn't able to attend his recent wedding because he is deployed to Afghanistan. But that doesn't stop him from giving a speech.

Krivohlavy posted a video of his brother, flying in the cockpit of his Harrier, delivering his speech via cue cards over the Afghani landscape.

Since being posted on Tuesday, the video has more than 300-thousand views.

"There will be ups and downs, so make the best of it. And…GO NUTS TOGETHER!" wrote the Krovohlavy's brother before performing a roll in the jet.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the video had been set to private.