Coakley leads Baker, Democrats in gubernatorial poll

BOSTON ( -- Less than two weeks after announcing her candidacy for governor, a new poll suggests Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley is leading the pack.

The poll, released by Public Policy Polling Tuesday, shows Coakley leading her party with 57 percent of Democrats saying they want her to be the nominee. She is followed by State Treasurer Steve Grossman at 10 percent, Don Berwick with 6 percent, Joe Avellone at 4 percent, Dan Wolk at 3 percent, and Juliette Kayyem with 2 percent.

According to the poll, Coakley would have a 19 percent advantage over Congressman Michael Capuano if he were to enter the race.

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Coakley and Capuano are both projected to have a lead over Republican Charlie Baker, with Coakley holding 51 percent to Baker's 38 percent and Capuano holding 42 percent to Baker's 37 percent.