Charlestown homeowner worried after flooding sends sewage into bedroom

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Flooding over the weekend in Massachusetts caused issues for homeowners, but one Charlestown resident had an extra issue when sewage flowed into her basement-level bedroom.

Heavy rain led to some areas getting up to six inches of rain in just a few hours, and led to an even larger issue for Kathy Gouthro.

Gouthro's basement-level bedroom flooded for the fourth time so far in 2018 due to the downpours, but this time had an extra addition that came with the excess water: sewage.

The sewage poured out of a backflow valve, which was installed specifically to prevent the issue that affected Gouthro's bedroom.

"I did not know what to do," Gouthro said. "This thing was bubbling up and over, up and over and it didn't stop."

Unfortunately for Gouthro, she has no idea what caused the issue.

"I feel like somebody put a curse on me," Gouthro said. "I'm afraid to leave the house because if it rains, I don't know what's going to happen."

A Boston Water and Sewer crew cleaned out pipes near Gouthro's home on Monday night, and determine there was no obstruction in the pipe running between the street and her basement.

The city then urged Gouthro to hire a plumber to replace an O-ring in the backflow valve.

>>RELATED: North Shore faces cleanup from flooding as more rain expected

"He said that we should be all set," Gouthro said. "We shouldn't have any more issues. He can't guarantee me tha, so I just have to see what happens with the next rain."

Now, Gouthro is forced to sleep on her couch after being forced to get rid of her bedroom furniture.

"I feel like I'm homeless," Gouthro said. "Seriously, this is my bedroom, and I feel like I'm homeless."

Now, all Gouthro can do is hope the issue doesn't happen again.

"We'll just wait and see what happens," Gouthro said. "That's all I can do."