Bridgewater animal control officer says foxes with mange won't be captured

BRIDGEWATER, Mass — The animal control officer for Bridgewater says she understands the concerns residents have about foxes, but she will not be capturing any of the wild animals.

Lisa McKay acknowledged the foxes have mange, but said the animals don't post an immediate threat to people or safety at this time.

According to Tufts Cummings Veterinary Medical Center in North Grafton, foxes and coyotes are often affected by mange. People may contract sarcoptic mange from contact with infected animals. Therefore, people should not try to catch or trap the animals. Doing so is also against the law without permission from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.

"Please understand this is nature and nature handles itself," McKay said.

McKay said animal control only gets involved when people are in danger.

She also noted police will not euthanize foxes that go after livestock. Property owners are responsible for keeping their livestock safe.

"If anyone takes it upon themselves to capture a mangey fox, then that will be a death sentences to the animal because you had direct contact with the animal and it will need to be euthanized and tested for rabies," McKay said. "Please live and let live."

McKay said people should only call police about foxes if they have immediate concerns about their safety.