Boston police plan fun-filled day for children battling cancer

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BOSTON — Eleven-year-old Connor Heffler has a malignant tumor on his spinal cord, but today he feels special. Today, he was not in the hospital.

Connor is one of four children whose families were on a special outing thanks to Cops for Kids with Cancer, started by Boston Police.

Each child got to take a turn driving the boat while taking in the spectacular scenery away from their hospital rooms.

Today, a VIP escort pulled up along the waterfront and took the kids on a boat ride around the Boston Harbor.

“That was just awesome,” Connor told FOX25. “It was fun.”

“The best thing in the world is to just be normal for a day, but here they get more. They really get treated special,” state trooper Lt. Bill Coulter told FOX25.

Coulter is on the board of directors for the organization.

Connor’s mom told FOX25 today was a nice break for her family.

“It’s hard to trek into Boston three times a week for not-so-fun stuff. But to say we are heading into Boston to do something fun and feel like a superstar for a little while,” Beth Heffler said.

Even Connor’s big brother got to come along for the ride.

“It’s so nice that Boston Police and Cops for Kids with Cancer can do this for kids like Connor. I’m just very thankful,” brother Ryan said.

The families say they’re thankful for a day filled with memories they can always hold onto.