Boehner to attend Mass. fundraiser for GOP's Tisei

BOSTON (AP) - House Majority Leader John Boehner is attending a Boston fundraiser for Republican Congressional candidate Richard Tisei.

The event is at the Harvard Downtown Club at 8 a.m. Tuesday.

Tisei, a former state legislator and lieutenant governor candidate, is running a close race with Democratic Rep. John Tierney in the 6th Congressional District.

Tisei says he's a fiscal conservative ready to represent Massachusetts even if it means going against his party on some issues. He said he's "an independent-minded legislator" and he's proud to have Boehner's support.

Democrats plan a news conference outside the fundraiser to link Tisei with GOP positions on social issues such as opposing legal abortion and same-sex marriage. Tisei could be the first openly gay Republican elected to the U.S. House.

On Monday, Boehner campaigned for Mitt Romney in New Hampshire.