Bid hoping to lure Amazon to Boston unveiled by city

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BOSTON — The public is getting its first look Friday morning at the pitch Boston and Revere jointly submitted by Thursday's deadline to woo Amazon's second headquarters to Suffolk Downs, which sits on both cities.

WATCH: Amazon Bid Video: Look to Boston | WATCH: Amazon Bid Video: Boston. Yes

To go along with the 218-page bid filled with data, graphics and letters, Boston and Revere also made videos for the company.

As Boston 25 News' Michael Henrich reported Thursday, Boston and Revere jointly pitched the 116-acre Suffolk Downs site, as shovel ready.

The bid tries to win Amazon's second headquarters by hitting the points in the company's request for proposals:

  • An emphasis on connectivity to a major airport
  • Greater-Boston's highly-educated workforce and top-rated universities
  • Public transportation system

So, how much will it cost?

As promised by Mayor Marty Walsh, the written proposal doesn't get into specific number on any potential tax breaks. but that doesn't mean the proposal doesn't commit to spending taxpayer dollars to improve access to a new home for Amazon at Suffolk Downs.

The proposal said city and state taxpayers could spend:

  • $746 Million on a Red Line-Blue Line connector
  • $25 Million Blue Line-Commuter Rail connector
  • $40 Million Route 1A improvements
  • $$16.3 Million Bennington Street and East Boston Greenway

All for the chance to get Amazon to say: Boston. Yes.

The public is now aware of how Walsh tried to put East Boston and Revere's best foot forward.

Now, we wait for Amazon to decide where to invest $5 billion and create up to 50,000 new jobs.