
White House physician releases official report with details of president's exam

U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Ronny L. Jackson, the physician to the president, released the particulars of President Donald Trump’s physical exam in an official report Tuesday. It was Trump’s first periodical physical as president and was conducted last Friday at the Walter Reed Army National Military Medical Center.

The results were released with the president's consent, Jackson said in an official memorandum sent to White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders.

At 6-foot-3 and 239 pounds, the 71-year-old president had a blood pressure reading of 122/74 and a resting heart rate of 68 beats per minutes.

Trump’s vision is 20/30, with a corrected visual acuity of 20/20, according to the report. His thyroid was normal, and there were no issues with his teeth or gums. There were no issues with his gastrointestinal system or his urinary tract, the report said.

The president's past medical history includes hypercholesterolemia, a condition that is caused very high levels of cholesterol in the blood; and rosaccea, a common skin disease that is characterized by a person blushing or looking flushed more easily than other people.

Trump is currently taking several types of daily medication, Jackson wrote, including aspirin; Rosuvastatin to lower cholesterol; Finasteride to aid in the prevention of male pattern hair loss; Ivermectin to treat rosaccea when needed; and a multivitamin product.

Other than an appendectomy when he was 11, Trump has had no major surgery.

Jackson said the president’s overall health “was excellent,” helped in part because Trump does not drink or smoke.

“He continues to enjoy the significant long-term cardiac and overall health benefits that come from a lifetime of abstinence from tobacco and alcohol,” Jackson wrote.

Jackson did note that the president “would benefit” from a diet lower in fat and carbohydrates and also more exercise.

Jackson also said he was encouraging the president to exercise more.