
New Hampshire man captures stunning video of himself hiking in White Mountains

Dixville Township, N.H. — Many might say Matt Bowman lives life on the edge. He’s walked were very few may ever want to go.

“It didn’t even occur to me not to walk out there. It’s such a beautiful walk and such a spectacular position to be in. I had no fear of falling off or tripping,” he said.

The 49-year-old Bowman is a professional climbing guide. He used his Go-Pro camera with 360 degrees viewing to capture a spectacular, or what some may say, terrifying, view of him and a client walking to the edge of Table Rock Saturday.

“It’s well within my comfort zone, and if my knees did get wobbly. I shouldn’t be taking people out there. I shouldn’t be guiding if that was the case, you know,” Bowman said.

Table Rock is a cliff that juts out into New Hampshire’s Dixville Notch State Park. It’s a 700-foot vertical drop. It’s only a few feet wide and doesn’t leave any room for error.

“Everything I do is calculated. I don’t do things that I think are reckless, even if people think that by watching the video. I’m very calculated, careful,” Bowman said.

Bowman has climbed all over the world from the Cascades to Mt. Everest, where he guided an Everest Basement Trek through the passes a couple of years ago. Climbing is not only his profession but his passion.

“It still bothers my mom what I do, and I’ve been doing this for over 25, almost 30 years, so, yeah, I guess I have something in me,” he said.

That something may be nerves of steel.

To see more of Bowman’s video: https://youtu.be/FjtOWA1jL-s