
MIT pro-Palestinian protesters clash with police again, encampment remains standing

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — All calm tonight after pro-Palestinian protesters at MIT clashed with police again Thursday afternoon. Protesters blocked this parking garage preventing faculty from coming and going.

“We came to this location because we know this parking lot is important for MIT’s everyday operations and they have chosen to ignore out demands for months,” said Hannah Didehbani, an MIT student.

Some protesters were taken into custody. They want MIT to stop funding research for the Israeli Ministry of Defense.

On Monday hundreds of students spilled out of the encampment and blocked Mass Ave during the afternoon commute for hours.

Meanwhile, Jewish students say every day they must face protesters’ threats of violence.

“It’s a little bit scary. It feels like there’s anarchy on campus and no one’s really taking care of it,” said Marilyn Meyers who is MIT senior.

MIT said on Wednesday the encampment must end. The suspension of students taking part is already underway.

“Yesterday I got a suspension and eviction notice but I wasn’t actually locked out of my dorm and this morning they emailed and said they’re going to be gracious and allow us to stay in our housing until May 15th,’ said Didehbani.

Despite that, she says she will not stop protesting.

Jewish students are equally committed to ending this encampment. They say MIT talks tough but does nothing and it’s time to act.

“I think there are a number of professors who have to be fired for harassing students and endorsing all the chaos that’s going on here on campus. I think the student leaders need to be more than suspended but expelled,” said Meyers.

Meyers is worried that after four long years her graduation will be canceled or interrupted by protesters.

Still no word from MIT on when this encampment will be taken down.

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